Summa sidvisningar

onsdag, december 30, 2015

Three cartoons to end this years parade.

OK doggie, it´s bloody well about time that you act as Santa once.

What the heck are you staring at old lady, didn´t you ever see a fashionable man before?

Excuse me, could you folks tell me where I could find the closest Internetbank?

English, Swedish wil follow:
To end this year filled with cartoons I have chosen these, all born after Christmas Eve. I won´t this time bother you with more, you will have to wait until next year, which is soon, very soon.
In the meantime I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.

Avslutar ett år fyllt med olika skämtteckningar, de här tre har alla tillkommit efter julaftonen i år. Tycker det reäcker med dessa för stunden, håll ut det kommer fler nästa år, näste år som är precis runt hörnan. Önskar er alla ett Gott Nytt År. 

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